The contractor is a website that was developed during a course between april and may 2019.
My role was to design and developed a website using different methods and technical skills. I created flow charts, storyboards, a style guide template and wireframes before I developed the site with HTML and CSS.
There are a lot of contractors within Stockholm and the competition is tough. At the same time it can be difficult for clients to find their way among the multitude of contractors. The first step is usually to browse the web for inspiration, but also to find references similar to what you want to do within a reasonable price range. The challenge was to create a website that benefits the contractor and meets the clients needs and expectation in a suitable way.
The website was developed according to conventional user interface design guidelines. It should be accessible to all users, responsive on different devices and easy to navigate. The interface should have cohesive graphic profile which creates a trustworthy identity.
The website consists of six html pages linked to one style sheet. It's a flat hierarchy which are easy to navigate with the help of the global navigation bar on the top of the page. Colors and fonts are consistent through the website. Images are used to illustrate previous work and projects done by the contractor. Each picture represent an individual project, and by clicking on the image users can follow the process of the construction work. By following the process clients may increase their understanding when renovating. Users can request contact details for references which makes it easy for the user to get first hand information about the contractor and the work that has been done. In that way the website contribute to a system based on trust and reviews of others, similar to Uber and Airbnb.